At INSTRUPRO TECHNOLOGIES, we use global technology in farming based on World standards using precision farming techniques. We use IoT & AI technology for growing, nourishing, picking and processing. Our solution uses sustainable practices that don’t exhaust natural resources. INSTRUPRO TECHNOLOGIES produce a full line of Smart IoT Based Digital Agriculture solutions. Process adhering to industry-leading food safety and quality standards. INSTRUPRO TECHNOLOGIES has a legacy of service and innovation, we deliver produce with passion

Our Solutions are designed to adapt and implement farming solutions that help increase yield and predictability of produce. Combined IoT & AI technologies with end-to-end Solutions give a seamless path towards sustainable farming. We have developed a “Smart Digital Agriculture Solutions” – an affordable, modular bundled with full stack services that uses 90% less water, grows 7 times more food and gives farmers a steady dependable produce.

Automated digital agriculture is a diverse sphere as of now, so we are going to cover the latest innovations and the derived benefits with our “Smart Digital Agriculture Solutions” using IoT Sensors, AI algorithms and our in house developed Control Server, add on cards, Control panel making suitable for small to very large produce and allows the end customer to scale the solutions on the go as and when needed on demand.


We provide a complete range for IT enabled services to maintain infrastructure throughout the equipment and technology lifecycle. We customize consultancy and professional services to support the unique needs of business.

Our aim is partnering with customers to succeed their core business objectives by providing appropriate services to their IT enabled infrastructure.

- Smart Digital Agriculture Solutions

- IoT enabled Sensor & AI algorithms

- Control Server, add on cards, Control panel

- Project Consultation Services , Up gradation and Support deployment service